Resume Magic - Where Do You Find It?

November 18, 2021
Kate Orland-Bere

A resume can only be truly stellar if the person it is representing is stellar. The resume proves it by showing their achievements and capabilities through the use of effective, direct language, and an equally effective structure.

A resume needs to be structured according to the accepted standards of the region or country in which it is being submitted. Not only this, a resume needs to meet an ATS scan by 70-80%. If the organization one is applying to is very large at all, they will be using automatic tracking systems (ATS) to filter out those who are not using enough key words from the job posting.

Building your personal brand

If one understands themselves well enough, whether one is writing their own resume, or hiring a professional, understanding what makes you unique as a candidate and conveying that uniqueness within the resume - this is pure magic.

It is found in the magical words to convey your personal unique brand to a potential employer. We exist in an era where you don’t get to meet your potential employer at all, or if you do, you will not until selected for an interview. This means the resume and cover letter and Linkedin must perform for you, or you will never make it to the interview stage to meet anyone.

So where is that magic to be found?

You will find magic dwells in your accomplishments in work and in life. Magic is found in your soft skills and your hard skills and your technical abilities - the elements that are intrinsic to your nature or the elements you have by some means learned - it is found in the intermingling of all of these qualities. It is found in the cumulative education you have had, both employment and volunteer experience. It is found in anything that you have done that you are proud of, or worked hard to attain, or risks you successfully took, even if in the distant past.

Magic is found in your hopes, in your aspirations, in your dreams - and how you express these, or how your writer does. Your magic is found in the totality of that mix of truth expressed on a page. And this is precisely the challenge of writing a resume that reveals your particular magic - this is a critical step.

Bringing critical details to light

A professional resume writer will draw out of you in consultation these critical details - they will ask you questions and delve into your strengths. Providing these details, talking about them before writing about them, brings your resume to life - it brings you to life. Every aspect where you have benefitted or brought value to your organization or business - this is worthy of being added to your resume.

The strongest details are what should be included on the standard 2-page resume - 3 pages if you are an executive or have many years of experience. In order to discern the strongest details, you must consider everything possible and find the gold.

It is crucial to understand your own true value - your personal brand

In today’s world, no one should stop developing that value, expanding upon it. If you want to nurture your personal magic - there is no better way than to scrutinize your finished resume, and make decisions about where you want to grow and in what direction.

If you are looking for a new position, think about your potential magic, and where it is best to cultivate it for the next time you are looking for work. Your magic might be not merely doing what you excel at naturally, but what you truly love doing.

When in a job, think about the magic you can invoke there - what can you do to bring unique value to your role, and enhance the organization as a whole.

Do your magic, and it will be returned, one day, to you.