Do you ever wonder what your next career move could be - as opposed to what it automatically might have to be? Have you felt a vague - or concerning - dissatisfaction creeping into your psyche when you think of your work? Or is it more like you suddenly don’t feel so energized or excited by thoughts of your work environment or the people there? Are you underwhelmed by thoughts you will be doing what you are doing into the next decade? Or are you an entry-level candidate looking for your first job out of college and feeling rather confused and vulnerable in the face of your potential choices? Or, mid-career, do you want to transition to something more meaningful, but unsure how to market yourself?
No time, no matter where you are career-wise, and so whack-a-moled at the end of a day, thoughts of a new career send you staggering to your bed with a pounding headache? Or positive you CAN make a transition, or new career leap, but need a confidante and counsel to help you overcome the obstacles? Trying to decide what education to undergird your next career leap? Determined to become management or senior management within the next 5 years, but unsure of the steps to get you into the director’s chair? Want to start your own business?
All of these situations are excellent reasons to seek out an astute career counsellor who can help you sort out where you are, where you want to be, and the pathway of action - the steps - to get you there.
Change does not happen overnight - although often you are a lot closer to what you truly desire than you may realize.
So, what does career counselling look like? Unlike the psychiatry couch, no need to lie down. It can be done easily remotely via Zoom or Skype, and usually, an initial Discovery Session will get down to the nitty-gritty of your “problems” with your current employment (or unemployment, whatever the case may be), and why you are needing to move on, and what your thoughts on “moving on” look like. Perhaps you have a dream sitting unnoticed in a corner of your mind feeling very ignored and surly - sending out negative vibes. Maybe you need to dust off that dream and ask yourself why not now? What are you waiting for? Sometimes some exploration and even flights of fantasy are needed to arrive even at an acceptable compromise - look at where Mark Zuckerberg’s fantasies landed him?
Did you know in the world today there are at least 22,000 plus potential types of jobs? We are diversifying swiftly into a world where many new types of jobs are invented every second. Given the skills you naturally possess, and your interests, and your potential high skill at any number of things you can learn - now often easily learned from the comfort of your own home - it is actually a case where you never should stop learning in your lifetime. Upskilling is necessary, and usually adds to your confidence level when job hunting. You don’t wait until you need it - you upskill in anticipation of the need. These are the people who are ready for change before it arrives.
Building a relationship with a counsellor who is a strong active listener, who can become swiftly attuned to where your strengths lie, and who is aware of the potential career paths you could consider - or where to send you to discover that information, guiding you through the process of change to arrive at the destination of your dreams, or an exciting career you never even half-imagined - this is what career counselling often can encompass, and it is definitely worth it. This process is akin to stopping and looking around you with a guide who will give you a new lens through which to view the environment you feel so trapped in or alienated by. Instead of seeing the walls - you will see instead potential areas of growth. Empowerment.
The next time someone asks you - how do you like your work - if you hesitate, or think bleakly - what DO I like about my work? Nothing! This is an aha moment. Time to see a career counsellor and sort out where you could take your future.
CareerHD offers comprehensive programs for all career levels and industries, check out how we can help you!