5 Tips To Effective LinkedIn Networking

August 1, 2020

LinkedIn Networking is a strategic and demonstrated method to generate connections within your industry, progress your career opportunities, and increase your exposure to companies hiring for your ideal position.

LinkedIn has changed the way we network with professionals. With this platform, you can network from the comfort of your own home, at your convenience! You can send job applications, connect with hiring managers and industry leaders, and even reconnect with former co-workers.

Now, you ask yourself, how do I network effectively? How do I utilize this amazing platform to promote my professional career development? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Ensure your profile makes a good first impression

  1. Make sure every section of your profile is fully optimized and completed before you start networking. There should be no blank spaces from your education, profile summary, to career history. Think of your LinkedIn profile as a reflection of your resume, as a result you want to present the most professional image possible.

Another important aspect of your profile is to include and optimize keywords. This means tailoring your headline to roles that you are most interested in to increase your opportunities to be viewed by recruiters and hiring managers.

  • And finally, to achieve an All-Star rating, it is crucial to include a professional profile photo. It is proven that LinkedIn profiles with pictures attract more views than profiles without pictures. It is highly recommended that you include a professional headshot against a neutral background to increase your profile views.

Make connections with professionals and start communicating

  • The more connections that you generate within your industry increases your exposure and career opportunities. However, these connections should be appropriate to your industry, you do not want to add connections that do not add value to your networking objective.
  • Another tip is to send personalized messages when initiating network connections. This includes a short note introducing yourself, identifying the reason for the connection, and why you would like to initiate communication. By sending this tailored note, you are presenting yourself as a serious professional interested in growing your network for a specific reason, rather than a random person or a blind connection with no professional intent.

When your networking requests are accepted, take the opportunity to further build the professional connections and relationships. Review the profiles of your connections and do not be shy to comment or like posts that are relevant to your industry, interests, or career objectives. The purpose of networking is to create relationships and if you become a silent connection, your relationships will never achieve the growth that you are looking for.

Join Groups

  • Another strategy to increase your exposure and connections within your industry is to join LinkedIn groups. Strategically identify groups that relate to your industry, complement your interest, and align with your career objectives. By simply joining a few active groups within in your industry can increase your exposure to hundreds of thousands of people.

Participation in group discussions, creating posts, and sharing relevant content will also assist to generate interaction between yourself and industry professionals. Make sure that your communication highlights your professional expertise illustrating you as a valuable member of the group.

Ultimately, LinkedIn provides you with a platform to make professional connections within your community as well as on a global scale. Make sure to follow these simple tips to exponentially increase your chances of attracting the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter for your next role. You may never know what opportunities can arise from building strong and meaningful relationships.

Are you looking to professionally update and optimize your LinkedIn Profile, let CareerHD help you!

At CareerHD we help you by creating captivating and resume, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles. We can also help you ace your next interview by teaching best practices, providing practical feedback, and mock interviews practice, as many as you want! Get in touch with us today and schedule your first Interview Coaching session with one of our Interview Coaches! info@careerhd.com.